Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sometimes Maureen Dowd Scares Me

Her latest [TimesDelete] is just weird (I guess that's no surprise). Seriously, um, I really don't know what to say about a column that starts with this premise:

It now seems that instead of desire leading to arousal, as researchers once believed, arousal may lead to desire.
And then connects the Republican party's current malaise among women voters to the fact that these women:
...have been deprived of the bristly excitement of hearing their men on the stump delivering great speeches for quite some time now. she saying that women are so hysterical (in the old-school sense of the word) that they decide whom to vote for based on how turned on they are by the candidates? Huh? What?
As Commodus (or at least Joaquin Phoenix) once said, "It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed."

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