Monday, February 11, 2008

A Kangaroo Court in a Star Chamber

So those sham military tribunals we set up down in Gitmo? Now we're going to be trying folks and possibly subjecting them to the death penalty in these abortions of justice. Not that I'm a fan of KSM or anything, but if he's guilty, what's the problem with hauling him into a real courtroom in New York or Alexandria and letting the evidence speak for itself? Oh, wait, that's right, we tortured him, and we don't want any evidence of that to come out in a U.S. courtroom, or the torturers, their bosses, and their enablers might actually face some accountability for their war crimes.

Oh yeah, and most of the evidence would get thrown out. Because the Bill of Rights frowns upon confessions and other evidence obtained through torture. It would be kind of embarrassing if the government botched the prosecution of several high-ranking terrorists. Embarrassing indeed.

So instead, we face the prospect of our government trying and executing prisoners based on evidence that they won't be allowed to hear (for "national security" reasons), on the testimony of witnesses they won't be able to confront, and on confessions that were tortured out of them. James Madison bloody wept.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Military tribunals are good. Torture isn't torture. The Fourth Amendmend does not exist. Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia.