Friday, November 2, 2007

Dear Senator Schumer:

I am saddened and sickened by the news that you will be voting to pass Judge Mukasey's nomination to the full senate. Torture was expressly prohibited by George Washington before the United States even existed as such, and for more than 200 years, General Washington's prohibition stood, and was something we as Americans could be proud of. The current administration has made a mockery of this tradition, and the current congress has done nothing but enable the administration as it guts the Constitution and destroys the rule of law.

I would write to my own senator, but as a native Washingtonian, I do not have one. This, of course, is an issue that is apparently not worth debating on the senate floor (thanks, guys, and you're welcome for my taxes), so since I lived in New York for several years (studying remember "law" don't you? It's what makes torture a crime) prior to returning to the District, I figured you're the closest thing I have to a senator these days.

Anyways, one day you're going to be very, very ashamed of your stance on this nomination. For now, I'm ashamed on your behalf.



(Not that the "honorable" senator will actually read this, but sending it to his office via email made me feel at least a teeny bit better.)

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